Healthy Us 2020

You’re invited to join the Healthy Us movement!

Program starts Monday, May 18th and runs through December 6th.

What is it?

A digital campaign full of valuable resources for those that opt-in for the experience. We will encourage you, direct you to the resources you need, share local resources, challenge you, inform you and have fun along the way!

Healthy Us will target four key areas of health:

  1. Mental Health:  May 18th – June 14th

  2. Musculoskeletal Health:  July 13th – August 9th

  3. Weight Management:  September 14th – October 11th

  4. Pre-Diabetes/Diabetes:  November 9th – December 6th

key features

Webinars, Chat with the Expert sessions, NA health & wellbeing resources, local resources and the weekly One Bite at a Time Challenge to help you implement healthier habits into your everyday lifestyle.

Having trouble completing the weekly challenges? Use the progress tracker to help keep yourself accountable!


No fees here, just a one time opt-in allows you to join the Healthy Us 2020 movement.

Eligibility:  Dow employees, contractors, eligible family members* and Dow retirees

*Eligible family members include spouse &/or dependents

Late to join? No worries! Newcomers have the option to join at ANY time throughout the program. Opt-in and register today!

Andrew Warren